Organized by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, the Information Day for the project “Transforming of Bio-Waste to Innovative Hydroponic Solutions” was held on October 29, 2024, in the Great Hall of Pavilion VI at Svetošimunska cesta 25.
The project leader Prof. Gabrijel Ondrašek PhD, welcomed all partners and collaborators and provided an overview of the project’s completed activities as well as the plans for upcoming phases. The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Aleksandar Mešić PhD, addressed the attendees, emphasizing the Faculty’s ongoing support for this project, as well as future initiatives that will arise from its activities.
Representatives from partner institutions, including Assist. Prof. Sanja Stipičević PhD (Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health), Maja Jakšić, mag.oec. (Inovacije i razvoj d.o.o.), and Dragica Jerkov (Fema d.o.o.), presented their key roles within the project and shared their plans for the next steps.
To conclude, project coordinator Assoc. Prof. Monika Zovko PhD discussed plans for applying to future project calls, further ensuring the development of new innovative solutions in sustainable hydroponic production.
This Information Day provided an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and strengthen collaboration among partners, with the goal of transforming bio-waste into valuable solutions for sustainable agriculture.
